As I think about my preaching, I am acutely aware that at best I am a jay of clay, so I implore you to pray that our sovereign Lord will supernaturally work to transmit his heavenly treasures, just as he has promised to do by the “weak and foolish” method of preaching
(2 Cor 4:5–7; 1 Cor 1:17–2:5).
Nathan Eshelman writes:
How does the Bible view preaching? The Apostle Paul in I Corinthians says, “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.“
To the non-Christian: Preaching is foolish.
To the Christian: Preaching is the power of God.The church of Jesus Christ has undervalued preaching. How many churches view preaching as “the power of God?” Again, the Apostle Paul, in Romans asks, “How can they be saved without a preacher?” You see, preaching is God’s foolishly powerful, yet ordinary means for converting sinners to Jesus Christ. [READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE]